Sunday 15 December 2013

Differences Between C and C++

Both of C and C++ are computer languages.Object oriented 
C is called C++. Object oriented programming means a
programming which have the concept of objects.
The main difference between them are;
1: C files are stored with an extension '.c' 
whereas C++ files are stored with '.cpp'.

2: C is a low level language and is less user 
friendly where as C++ is a middle level language 
and is easily interpretable by the machine and is 
more user friendly too.

3: C is Procedure Oriented Programming Language <POP>.

4: C++ is Object Oriented Programming Language <OOP>.

5: C uses the top-down approach.

6: While C++ uses the bottom-up approach.

7: C have no concept of classes and can't create objects
inside c.

8: Objects in turn are instances of class. Classes are based 
on the concept of data abstraction where all the related 
data and functions are grouped together and during 
execution instances of these classes called objects 
are used to refer to the data inside its respective class.

9: We cannot do overloading with C programming.

10: C++ supports both function and operator overloading.

11: C is mostly used to develop system software.

12: C++ is mostly used to modal real life problem to 
program and use to develop application programs.

13: C have many functions therefore it is also called

14: But C++ have objects therefore it is also called
15: In C it is impossible to describe anything, C evolves 
from B and B evolved from BASIC. C is function oriented.

16: In C++ we can describe any values, C++ is the 
developed form of C.

17: C is a low level language as consider to C++.
C is a procedural language. 

18: C++ is high level programming language. It come under 
the category of OOP's i.e Object oriented programming languages. 

19: C doesn't support graphical user interface like features.  

20: C++ has also some special features; 
For example: GUI programming tools. 

21: C does not have different visibility mode to store data. 
It stores data in a default mode irrespective of the data type.

22: C++ provides different data visibility modes : 
Public, Private, and Protected.

-> It's operating commands are different from that of C++. 
For example: printf(), scanf() in C and cout, cin in C++ 
to perform the same function of output and input respectively.


  1. Replies
    1. Ya off course... see this blog daily. and also like the computer languages page on facebook .
