Friday, 6 December 2013

Types of Languages


 There are two types of languages.

1: Low Level Languages.
2: High Level Languages.

1:Low Level Languages:

Those languages that is close to the machine language is
called low- level - language.  In computer science, a low-level
programming language is a programming language that provides
little or no abstraction from a computer's instruction set
architecture. The low level language have two languages; machine
language and Assembly language.

Machine Language:

The computer systems only know the 0's and 1's. This language
consist of binary instructions which a computer can easily understand
and get response. According to this binary numbers it only works with 0s
and 1s, the instructions written in binary code are called machine language.
It is difficult to understand and learn that's why human beings can't understand
this language. A program written on one type of computer can't run on another
type of computer system.

Assembly Language:

These are also a low level language and approximately same as machine
language. It was develop to make the programming task easier than binary code.
It uses symbols to represent the instructions. Therefore it is also called the
symbolic language. Thats why this language is very close to machine language.
It is basically used for writing system software and firmware.
The problem with assembly language is that it requires a high level of technical
knowledge, and it's slow to write. In the same time that you take to write ten
lines of assembly language- that's ten instructions, you could write ten lines
of C++, perhaps the equivalent of 500 instructions.

2:High Level Languages:

Those programming languages which are close to human languages are called high-level
-languages. High-level language is any programming language that enables development of
a program in much simpler programming context and is generally independent of
the computer's hardware architecture. BASIC, FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C++, etc are the
examples of high level languages. These languages are easier to understand than low level
languages. These languages are used for writing the application programs.
High-level language doesn’t require addressing hardware constraints to a greater extent
when developing a program. However, every single program written in a high level language
must be interpreted into machine language before being executed by the computer.

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